Monday, May 7, 2007

I'll post too!

Hey all...
I haven't had a chance to post on this yet either, but I am also reallllly excited about the bike ride in the fall. My bike riding up until now has consisted of spinning class twice a week, but I'll get a bike next time I go home and start training when I go home for summer. A minor setback to spinning classes is a sprained ankle that has left me on crutches. I have a doctor's appointment for it in an hour, so we'll see what he says, but I'm planning on a quick recovery. Plus, you can start biking before running because it's not as strenuous on the ankle (thank God). As soon as I get my bike and start biking I'll get to put on here what rides I did and such... I know my dad just signed us up for a race in September to get ready... it's so exciting!!

Talk to you soon :)

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