Monday, May 28, 2007

What a beautiful ride!

Hi all,

Well as promised, I'm posting more often. This past week I was able to get out 5 times for a total of 85 miles; the longest one was about 25 miles.

On Sunday, I went out in the evening for a longer ride down to Uvas Dam and Chesbro Dam... the same ride I did last weekend, but in reverse. It is amazing what views you see when you go in the opposite direction. This time I paced myself and did not get the urge to ride along some of those that are training for the Tour de San Jose (or California). It felt great the whole way and encountered some great hills along the way (in fact, there was one that was 14% grade and boy were my thighs burning, but they felt good on the way down). That's my motto... Just wait until you get to the top! All in all, this was my longest ride yet. I finished 44.2 miles in just under 3 hours (2:57:30 for those analytical ones out there) with an average 14.9 mph and a max of 35.2 mph.

As I was riding along the dams I was just imagining how beautiful it's going to be when we are along the coast and seeing the Pacific Ocean.

So, I will not be posting for at least a week since I am heading to Denver on business and then to the CARRA business meeting at the end of the week, where I'll see Mel (or Dr. Balboni). We'll get in some cross-training while we are there.

Talk to you soon and happy cycling.


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